Saturday 20 November 2010

Polo On The Beach

Polo on the beach is a stunning event that takes place once a year on Watergate bay in Cornwall. It is one of its kind in the UK and in 2009 it was Barefoot Media's responsibility to carry out a campaign surrounding the event to get people to check in!
Barefoot targeted travel editors and high end magazines to increase the footfall to the polo match. They focused strongly on the angle that there is a big culture clash between the laid back surf image of Watergate bay and the luxury, elitist image of polo.
What would have encouraged you to go to this event?
Barefoot won a gold CIPR Award for their campaign in which they managed to get 74 pieces of print and 56 minutes of broadcast for the event. Spectator numbers rose by 35% and accommodation in Watergate bay was booked up the weekend of the event, and for the weeks surrounding that weekend.
One of the ways in which media were drawn to the event was through the use of photo opportunities and interviews with the players The photographs from previous years were used to maximum effect. This worked well because it is such a visual event. Here are some of the images that were used during the implementation of Barefoot Media's strategy.

Do you feel that polo on the beach deserved a gold award?
Can you think of any reasons why this event may get bad media?
Would you have attended if you were a tourist?
Would you agree that the campaign has given Watergate Bay a more innovative and exciting image?


  1. I think this campaign is just all over brilliant! It really brings the "elitist" sport of polo down to a level for all to enjoy. I know lots of people think that polo is a upper class "snobby" sort of game, but actually if you get people watching a few chukkas, then they soon start to enjoy it, and will have a good time! By bringing together the 2 cultures of the surfers and the polo players, it definately creates a new atmosphere, one that I would enjoy myself, and i would have attended had I have been there! It makes Watergate Bay sound like an exciting place, with fun things happening!

  2. This sounds like something that i would definitely travel to go to. It something new and exciting and the campaign seems to have attracted lots of people. I hadn't heard about the event before and i live in Bournemouth, maybe they need to spread the word further afield, i know a few people that might be interested in going. Overall it seems successful though.

  3. This campaign definitely deserved to win gold. Watergate bay does seem like an exciting place to go now. maybe they should have targeted young people who might decide they want to take up polo! The circulation that they got is impressive. I probably would go if it was local but it happens at the wrong time of the year to tie in with a holiday for me.

  4. Polo isn't something I would usually find interesting. Mainly because I have never had the opportunity to really be around horses and it seams to upper class. Though looking at the pictures on your blog it seams a lot more laid back and fun, I guess the each surfer vibe really works! I think for getting all that coverage and for changing opinion about a sport and getting people involved it should have got the gold ward.
    You asked if anything would gave it bad press, I'm not sure if there was any negative press about it, the only thing I could think of is maybe a bunch of people on horses taking over a beach may upset some people and with horses I imagine there would be a big clean up, but I think as long as the issues are addressed I wouldn't have thought it would get negative press.
    Finally I think the event has given Watergate Bay an exciting image and it is innovative as I haven't heard of anything like this before and I don't think I will forget about this event.

  5. I think this campaign was really unique and definitely deserved a gold award. Like Louise said, polo isn't something i would normally be interested in... but after hearing about the campaign it has made me want to actually go and watch a polo game, especially if it was on the beach!! Although i wouldn't travel all the way to cornwall JUST for this event, if i was in the area it would definitely be something I would go to, especially if i was with lots of friends i'm sure it would be really fun.
