Sunday 14 November 2010

How old is tooooo old?!

This woman looks like her own daughters elderly relative...and she is broody for another!

Adriana Iliescu is 72 but says she doesn't feel her age. Is this not a hugely selfish thing to do? Or is it good that Adriana is doing what makes her happy with the rest of her life?
She feels that people that criticise her, are just jealous of what she has done with her this really the case (I'm thinking no!)
It is debatable whether people of a certain age should still be able to try for a baby. Her daughter Eliza was conceived artificially...should this be allowed??
It could be argued that its a human rite to have children but who is going to look after Adriana's children when she no longer can. All I hope is that she has a sturdy support system behind her!

A mother's love: Adriana Iliescu 72, says that the bond she shares with her five-year-old daughter, Eliza, has inspired her to want another child

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