Saturday 20 November 2010

Polo On The Beach

Polo on the beach is a stunning event that takes place once a year on Watergate bay in Cornwall. It is one of its kind in the UK and in 2009 it was Barefoot Media's responsibility to carry out a campaign surrounding the event to get people to check in!
Barefoot targeted travel editors and high end magazines to increase the footfall to the polo match. They focused strongly on the angle that there is a big culture clash between the laid back surf image of Watergate bay and the luxury, elitist image of polo.
What would have encouraged you to go to this event?
Barefoot won a gold CIPR Award for their campaign in which they managed to get 74 pieces of print and 56 minutes of broadcast for the event. Spectator numbers rose by 35% and accommodation in Watergate bay was booked up the weekend of the event, and for the weeks surrounding that weekend.
One of the ways in which media were drawn to the event was through the use of photo opportunities and interviews with the players The photographs from previous years were used to maximum effect. This worked well because it is such a visual event. Here are some of the images that were used during the implementation of Barefoot Media's strategy.

Do you feel that polo on the beach deserved a gold award?
Can you think of any reasons why this event may get bad media?
Would you have attended if you were a tourist?
Would you agree that the campaign has given Watergate Bay a more innovative and exciting image?

Sunday 14 November 2010

Lucy VS Lauren

The Only Way is Essex has abandoned us until Christmas....this is very, very sad news. I just can't help but wonder what we are going to be missing out on between now and then!!

I was intent on going to Oceana Southampton on Wednesday as Mark Wright was making an appearance...but a devestated me couldnt make it.....however a friend of mine said that he was there.....with Lauren! NOT impressed!

Now, i am not a massive Lauren fan and i'm team Lucy all the way...Lucy has dealt with the whole situation of an unshakable ex very maturely...where as Lauren has just been...well..rude.
So who should end up with Mark???Lauren or Lucy?

How old is tooooo old?!

This woman looks like her own daughters elderly relative...and she is broody for another!

Adriana Iliescu is 72 but says she doesn't feel her age. Is this not a hugely selfish thing to do? Or is it good that Adriana is doing what makes her happy with the rest of her life?
She feels that people that criticise her, are just jealous of what she has done with her this really the case (I'm thinking no!)
It is debatable whether people of a certain age should still be able to try for a baby. Her daughter Eliza was conceived artificially...should this be allowed??
It could be argued that its a human rite to have children but who is going to look after Adriana's children when she no longer can. All I hope is that she has a sturdy support system behind her!

A mother's love: Adriana Iliescu 72, says that the bond she shares with her five-year-old daughter, Eliza, has inspired her to want another child

Thursday 28 October 2010

Project Prevention...Right or Wrong?

I recently attended a debate on the actions of the charity 'Project Prevention'. If you haven't already heard of them, it is a charity started by a woman called Barbara Harris, and their main aim is to stop drug addicts from having children. They have caused controversy because they are offering £200 to drug addicts to get sterilised.

Is this right?

Should people in such a vulnerable state of mind be encouraged to make such a life changing and permanent decision? Addiction is a temporary state but sterilisation is forever. Everybody deserves a right to life but is there too much of a risk to these babies health?

The Guardian featured a story from a former drug addict who said that ' If somebody told me all those years ago that I wasn't fit to be a parent I would have agreed. But not today. Sterilising people for being addicted assumes that drug users will never be anything but that.'

Sterilising Drug users is NOT stopping the problem, shouldn't the money be used to try and rehabilitate addicts instead of taking away their chance of having children and then leaving them with more money for drugs?

In the debate I heard lots of reasons for and against this charity but it all comes down to a personal, ethical decision.

What is the 'right thing' to do?

Sunday 17 October 2010

Bangers, Bakery and Beach Accessories...Welcome back Apprentice!

Picture provided by 
It's that time of year again when all those extra determined (and often rather annoying) candidates take on tasks to impress Lord Sugar.The Apprentice!

The first episode was really funny! Watching all those men fighting to be heard whilst trying to make sausages from scratch, really was a bit of a joke. Too many egos' in one room result in really rubbish sausages!

The Girls team didn't do much better as they had a shouting match about 'professionalism' in front of their market stool and their customers. Ironic. However their team did end up being the most successful and dodged that boardroom this week.

The boys were sent into the boardroom heads bowed as Lord Sugar laid into them one at a time. Finally it was Sales Director Dan Harris who got the boot for his aggressive management.

The second episode brought along the beach accessories task, in which the candidates had to design and produce a prototype for a new and innovative invention for the beach.

Due to a family issue one of the boys team had to leave the show and head of business management, Stella English had to step in as the project manager.

 It was interesting to see how the dynamics of the boys team changed with a woman in charge. It had an almost calming effect on them. The complete opposite of Dan Harris's Management the week before!

The girls team ended up loosing the task with ZERO sales which Lord Sugar was not impressed with in the slightest. Marketing and PR Director Joy Stephanicki was this weeks fired candidate for not putting enough into the task.

I can't wait for the next episode in which the candidates are asked to 'turn flour into some serious dough!'